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Food Science

Over the past few weeks, students have explored the big picture question, "What is the relationship between producers and consumers?" To address this question, students defined the terms, consumer and producer and discussed the concept of marketing. What does marketing mean? What marketing techniques do producers use - especially when marketing to kids?

As another great addition to this study, students welcomed a special guest speaker to their classroom, Julie Ellis. Julie is a Food Scientist who came to share her knowledge with the group about what being a food scientist entails. Students asked Julie questions that they prepared before her arrival.

  • "What do you do at your job?"

  • "What made you want to become a food scientist?"

  • "What advice can you give us that will help us in our cereal companies?"

  • "What was the most exciting project you have worked on?"

  • "What does your job do to help food companies?"

  • "How does the system work for testing food?"

After a session of Q & A, students completed a mini-sensory test experiment. Students taste-tested using sensory deprivation by plugging their noses and being blindfolded. They determined that, when developing their own cereal, the look and smell of their cereal will be equally important as the taste.

Paige’s group’s Week at a Glance

Communication Literacy

  • Book groups

- fluency and intonation

- making predictions

- identifying figurative language

- identifying author's voice

  • Sight word spelling

  • Editing persuasive writing to determine if our evidence supports our persuasive statements

  • Identifying which mindsets were modeling by the people in the biographies we are reading

  • Collaborative imaginative writing for Story Pirates

Patterns & Modeling

  • Data collection

  • Representing multiplication through repeated addition and arrays

  • Review of mode, range, minimum, and maximum in a data set

  • Introduction to the median in a data set and averages

Theme Time

  • Visit from a food scientist to discuss how products are developed for companies

  • Reviewing the terms "producer", "consumer" and discussing their relationship to each other

  • Sensory observations and testing of jelly beans

  • Analysis of product packaging and branding


  • Visit from Tiffany Persons for a follow up on our correspondence with the school in Sierra Leone

  • Celebration of the end of our read-aloud book Pie

  • Teaching the basics of 3D design and Tinkercad to Emmarose's group

Clubhouse Week at a Glance

Communications Literacy

  • Writing stories for Story Pirates

  • Book Groups - City of Ember

  • Introduction to root words

  • Reflection about types of writing we have done this year. What is the purpose? Who is the audience? What perspective are they written in? What are characteristics of this type of writing?

  • Informative writing - reading Biographies - discussion about observations

Patterns and Modeling

  • Make 100 - Youcubed - Practicing multiplication, area models, and fractions.

  • Equivalent fractions with color block painting

  • Talking about norms for learning and group work

  • Revisiting our understanding of minimum, maximum, and range in a data set.

  • Introduction to the median in a data set and averages


  • Special guest: Julie Ellis, Food Scientist

  • Sensory observations and testing of Jelly Beans

  • Review of big picture question: What is the relationship between consumers and producers?

  • Why do you make the choices you make? Analysis of product packaging and branding

  • Introduction to Tinkercad - 3D printing


  • Visit from Tiffany Persons for a follow up on our correspondence with the school in Sierra Leone

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