Restaurant Logo Design
The restaurants are taking shape! With final restaurant names decided on, students embarked on the task of creating a logo for their restaurants. This week, students in Emmarose's group worked through the Design Thinking Toolkit with their restaurant logos, moving on from research to the brainstorming phase. After observing many different logos and finding common themes and elements, students felt prepared to decide upon their logo constraints and requirements as a whole group. "It has to say the name of the restaurant!" "It has to have color!" They also decided that the logo had to represent the theme of their restaurant in some way.
Students worked in groups of four, and each designed their own logo, utilizing various elements and design techniques that they had previously identified. Students observed that some logos have only words, some only an image, and other have a combination of both. As a group, students decided that unlike Nike and Target, their restaurant logos needed to include the restaurant names, because they were not well known yet.
After creating four different logos, groups approached the difficult challenge of deciding on one final design. Many groups had trouble making this decision at first, but in the end, each group collaborated and took the action required to solve the problem. As a teacher, I was impressed with the maturity and fairness my students demonstrated during this process.
'Coral Reef Kitchen' voted to decide on a final design, but it was a tie between two designs! They combined the two logo ideas into one and each took on a part of the drawing.
'Under the Ocean Cafe' combined logo ideas and elected two group members to be in charge of drawing. The other two group members contributed ideas and wrote about how their logo represented the theme of their restaurant.
The 'World of Organics' group decided to vote, and then went with the logo that received the most votes. They split up the logo design into smaller tasks, and each student took on a section.
Overall, all students felt like their ideas were heard, like the decision process was fair, and everyone in each group had a piece that they contributed. I call that a successful collaborative experience!
Week at a Glance
Communication Literacy
Begin Story Pirate story brainstorming
Characters, setting, problem, solution
Story Map (story starters, introduction, climax, resolution)
Book groups
Fluency, intonation, vocabulary, vowel partners and digraphs
Making predictions, character exploration
Patterns and Modeling
Number Lines
Extending number lines
Skip counting
Strike It Out number line game
Addition and subtraction
Critical thinking and strategy
Finding factors of larger numbers
Group norms and roles (collaboration)
Deciding on final restaurant names in groups
Logo design (shape, text, colors, images) (design thinking)
Deciding on final logo design in groups
Beginning a new read aloud book, The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles
Visit from parent, John Tompkins, to explore the central nervous system and neurotransmission