Tiny Space Architects
Restaurant Wars continue! This week, students in Emmarose's group completed their blueprints, and began to construct three dimensional...
One Step Closer
Over the past few weeks students have been working to design and create their ideas for cereal companies. Each group has finalized their...
Number Puzzles
Wondering why we are playing with representing numbers in all grades from K through 5? We believe that children need opportunities to...
The Anatomy of a Neuron
Last Friday, Emmarose and Paiges' groups had the opportunity to visit with guest speaker and parent, John Tompkins, who is a...
Factor Connect Four
This week students continued their exploration of visual representation of numbers through a fun game from youcubed.org. Students used...
Slowing It Down
It’s never too late to slow down. You’ll be surprised what else you see when you just pause. Believe us…we tried it! As summer...
Restaurant Logo Design
The restaurants are taking shape! With final restaurant names decided on, students embarked on the task of creating a logo for their...
Reading Biographies
During Communication Literacy Paige's group has been engaged in a case study on biographies. The students have used biographies as a way...
Bounce, Scatter, and Bend Light
Can you see above the table when you are hiding below? Brie’s group began the week making adjustments to their periscopes with more...
Visualizing Numbers
www.youcubed.org This week in Patterns and Modeling, students worked on an activity from Jo Boaler's, YouCubed. Students were presented...